EIRP CEO Samuel Thernstrom Questions Climate Impact of EPA Power Plant Rules

EIRP CEO Samuel Thernstrom Questions Climate Impact of EPA Power Plant Rules

Thernstrom Proposes Clean Energy Standard in Utility Dive Op-ed

EIRP CEO Samuel Thernstrom argues that the Biden administration’s new EPA power plant rules are likely to be significantly curtailed or stopped by the U.S. Supreme Court, just as the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan was rejected in West Virginia v. EPA. In his op-ed, “If EPA’s latest power plant rules seem familiar, don’t get fooled again!,” Thernstrom argues that the Inflation Reduction Act’s tax credits will be insufficient to decarbonize America’s power sector without a clear regulatory (and deregulatory) framework. He concludes that a well-designed clean energy standard would provide an essential complement to the IRA.

For more detail, see Thernstrom’s recent EIRP Working Paper, “Clean Energy Standards: Securing the Future of the Electric Power Sector.”