Publications and Events

Video Panel – China’s EV Battery Dominance

On May 29, 2024, Energy Innovation Reform Project sponsored an online discussion of China’s dominant position in electric vehicle battery markets and opportunities for U.S.-South Korea cooperation. EIRP senior advisor Paul Saunders moderated the session, which included remarks by the University of Georgia’s David Gattie and Hanyang University’s Younkyoo Kim. Each of the speakers has contributed working papers to EIRP’s U.S.-Korea Energy Series.

Real Clear Energy: Holmstead and Thernstrom Doubt Clean Air Act’s Climate Power

In Real Clear Energy, Bracewell attorney Jeff Holmstead, a former assistant administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Air and Radiation Office from 2001 to 2005, and EIRP CEO Samuel Thernstrom argue that “the Clean Air Act’s authority over power plant greenhouse gas emissions is weak, contested, and highly inefficient” and that a legislated federal clean energy standard would be more lasting and effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions than continuing efforts at regulation. And, they suggest, if a new law allowed states to choose between a CES or existing policies, it could win political support.

EIRP’s Paul Saunders Assesses Russia’s Global Energy Role in The Washington Times

In The Washington Times, EIRP Senior Advisor Paul Saunders, who is also President of the Center for the National Interest, argues that after decades of concern over Europe’s energy dependence on Russia, Washington would do well to turn its attention to Moscow’s new energy partners, including not only its oil and gas customers, but also the governments seeking Russian help to develop nuclear energy and to develop energy-related mining projects.

Inside EPA Features EIRP Working Paper on Clean Energy Standards

Inside EPA, a leading trade publication monitoring environmental policy and the Environmental Protection Agency, published an extensive report on EIRP CEO Samuel Thernstrom’s paper, “Clean Energy Standards: Securing the Future of the Electric Power Sector.” Inside EPA is available at; full text reprinted with permission.

EIRP CEO Samuel Thernstrom Questions Climate Impact of EPA Power Plant Rules

EIRP CEO Samuel Thernstrom argues that the Biden administration’s new EPA power plant rules share fundamental characteristics with Obama administration rules struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court and will likely lose in court as well. In his op-ed, “If EPA’s latest power plant rules seem familiar, don’t get fooled again!,” Thernstrom argues that the Inflation Reduction Act’s tax credits will be insufficient to decarbonize America’s power sector without a clear regulatory (and deregulatory) framework. He concludes that a well-designed clean energy standard would provide an essential complement to the IRA.

EIRP U.S.-Korea Energy Series – Working Paper No. 4

Contributing the fourth paper in EIRP’s US-Korea Energy Series, Hanyang University’s Younkyoo Kim provides a South Korean perspective on US-China competition surrounding EV battery supply chains as well as US-South Korea cooperation in addressing it. He gives special attention to South Korea’s dependence on China as a challenge for policymakers.

EIRP U.S.-Korea Energy Series – Working Paper No. 3

In the third paper in EIRP’s US-Korea Energy Series, David Gattie and Chase Duncan of the University of Georgia’s Center for International Trade and Security address China’s dominance of electric vehicle battery supply chains and how further US-Korea cooperation could support American policy goals.

EIRP Working Paper – Clean Energy Standards

Innovation and deployment incentives are essential for cost-effective decarbonization of the electric power sector—but are they sufficient? Will the combination of clean energy tax credits and EPA regulations be sufficient to structure a successful energy transition? No, argues EIRP’s chief executive officer, Samuel Thernstrom, in this white paper.

Video: Restoring America’s Nuclear Energy Leadership and Exports

On April 2, 2024, EIRP and the Center for the National Interest co-sponsored a panel discussion of EIRP’s new report, Restoring America’s Nuclear Energy Leadership and Exports. Speakers included Assistant Secretary of Energy Kathryn Huff, former Centrus Energy CEO Daniel Poneman, and leading experts on U.S. nuclear energy and nonproliferation policy.