
Reuters Cites EIRP’s Advanced Nuclear Cost Study

Writing for Bloomberg, Samuel Thernstrom and David Garman outline a reform agenda for the Department of Energy to move the department beyond the Solyndra scandal and the troubled loan guarantee program by refocusing its work on basic and pre-commercial research into key energy technologies.

Thernstrom discusses nuclear capacity factors

Thernstrom discusses nuclear capacity factors

EIRP CEO Samuel Thernstrom discussed the capacity benefits of nuclear power in the article “Thought leaders on nuclear capacity factors,” which appeared in the May 2020 issue of the American Nuclear Society’s publication Nuclear News. To read his and other contributions, follow this link.

E&E News Quotes Thernstrom On Carbon Pricing, Clean Energy Standards

E&E News quoted EIRP CEO Samuel Thernstrom, who noted that while “there’s been a really remarkable shift in the conversation about climate and energy policy options over the last couple years,” such policy ideas are still “mostly on the sidelines” within Congress.

Inside Philanthropy Quotes EIRP CEO Nuclear Policy Funding

Inside Philanthropy Quotes EIRP CEO Nuclear Policy Funding

Inside Philanthropy quotes EIRP Samuel Thernstrom in a major article on foundations funding nuclear work. Thernstrom encourages foundations funding nuclear energy policy research to take a technologically neutral approach.

Saunders Discusses Energy and U.S.-China Competition at the Center for the National Interest

On July 30, 2019, EIRP President Paul Saunders spoke on a Center for the National Interest panel discussing US-China competition and energy policy. Saunders and George Mason University Professor Hart both agreed that technology innovation is key to combating climate change; however, they differed over the extent to which America is likely to be able to cooperate with China in addressing this global challenge.