Clean Energy Policy

David Garman Appears on E&ETV’s OnPoint with Monica Trauzzi

David Garman, a former Under Secretary of Energy during the George W. Bush administration and the lead author of a new joint report by the Clean Air Task Force and the Energy Innovation Reform Project, explains why he believes the Department of Energy needs reform and how to do it.

Sam Thernstrom appears on MSNBC’s All In With Chris Hayes

To discuss how an innovation-centric approach could bridge the partisan divide over climate policy. Chris Hayes talks with Samuel Thernstrom, who served on the White House Council on Environmental Quality under George W. Bush, about whether it’s possible to bring Republicans into the fold on climate policymaking.

Reihan Salam Endorses EIRP Proposal to Modernize the Energy Department

Writing for Reuters Opinion, National Review’s Reihan Salam describes EIRP proposals for the Department of Energy as a “natural fit for reform-minded Republicans, who are wary of command-and-control regulation and big spending increases, yet who recognize that government can play a constructive role in energy innovation.”