Publications and Events

Paul Saunders: The surprising G20 climate fight with China

EIRP President Paul J. Saunders argues in his recent op-ed that to promote deeper U.S.-China cooperation in combating climate change, advocates must demonstrate that economic and environmental benefits will be greater than the costs that come with the transfer of wealth and technology from the United States to China. 

Saunders urges energy innovation to sustain U.S. global leadership

Writing for the prominent foreign policy magazine The National Interest, EIRP President Paul J. Saunders argues that energy innovation can contribute importantly to U.S. economic competitiveness and to America’s global leadership, especially in an era of growing great power competition with China.

David Garman Appears on E&ETV’s OnPoint with Monica Trauzzi

David Garman, a former Under Secretary of Energy during the George W. Bush administration and the lead author of a new joint report by the Clean Air Task Force and the Energy Innovation Reform Project, explains why he believes the Department of Energy needs reform and how to do it.

Vox Describes EIRP Decarbonization Study

Vox energy and climate writer David Roberts describes an EIRP literature review by MIT expert Jesse Jenkins and Samuel Thernstrom in the context of wider debates on energy and climate change.

Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapons

On October 17, 2017, EIRP and the Center for the National Interest organized a panel discussion of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons in the twenty-first century.